Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I now pronounce you husband and wife!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Why do people who don't know me like to get in my business? This is the second comment I've received from people I don't know. I understand this is posted online but that doesn't give you license. If you don't know me and don't have anything nice and positive to say than mind your own business! When friends do it, I know it's out of love and concern. When strangers do it that just means that person obviously doesn't have much of a life. They have to live through other people's lives and try to be a part of that!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Too much anger

I just skimmed my most recent blogs and realized there's a lot of anger coming out of these blogs. So, I think I need to send out a more positive blog. Here are the highlights of my weekend.

1. A friend ready to date accepted our help to get started on internet dating. It was a very successful evening and we had a lot of fun with it!

2. Had my wedding hair trial and I LOVE the style my hair stylist did for me! It's exactly what I want!

3. Enjoyed a rather loud evening watching arena football with my man and Johnny.

4. Saw the joy in my parent's eyes as we gave my mom her Mother's Day gift (probably the best one in the 30 years that she's celebrated it) and especially in my dad's as Ray and I put together his new porch swing as his early Father's Day gift.

5. Visited my future mother-in-law.

6. Saw my cousins and ate a lot of food!



Wednesday, May 09, 2007

A letter to a stranger

Dear Mr. Allen Wu,

In response to your comment on one of my recent blogs....step off. In case you don't know what a blog is, it is a personal online journal/diary. A diary is defined as a writer's experiences, observations, feelings, attitudes, etc. Typical diaries are private but some are not as private. Regardless of the diary entry's venue, it is still the writer's personal thoughts, which may include times of joy, pain, and anger.

So, if in my daily rant or vent I end up misspelling a word or if my writing contains grammatical errors who gives a shit. I don't plan to submit this to a newspaper or to a university. Why does it matter to YOU if it's "whose" or "who's." Has it ever occurred to you that when a person is angry or annoyed he/she may not pay as much attention to details in their writing? He/she is just using the diary to lay it all out as a way to keep from blowing up on others.

What's even MORE annoying is that you don't even know me. If you want to "school" people do it with people you know. But then again, your comment could be evidence that you're a cowardly fool who only bugs people he doesn't know so he could hide behind his computer and stay somewhat anonymous. So the next time you decide to be a smart-ass be a REAL MAN and do it to your friends and family and not strangers who can't say to your face to STEP OFF!

Friday, May 04, 2007

You are incompetent

From the moment I met you I knew you were incompetent. Just from watching afar I can see what an absent-minded, bumbling fool you are. It's bad enough watching you waste these poor kid's time with your idiotic ways. But now, you, here helping me because she's out for the day. I give you a packet to collate and staple. Something so simple and brainless. And yet you manage to f@ it up! And now I have to waste MY time going through those damn packets to make sure you didn't mess up the others. Next time, I'd rather spend that extra 15 minutes after work to do it myself than let your crap-ass hands touch them!

Now that we finally got our coffee table I can bash this damn furniture store that's had me in a pissy mood for the past 2 months. Instead of being happy to have new (non-craigslist) furniture I get mad! Here's the yelp review I wrote for this place. If anyone knows of any other review sites let me know because I want to spread the word. If they were truly trained in customer service they should know that one satisfied customer tells five people. But, one dissatisfied customer tells ten people!

opinion of Home Life started out positive. came into the store not
really planning on buying anything. just wanted to window shop.
went through the ENTIRE store and we found THE couch. was so
beautiful and had everything we were looking for. were assisted by
a gentleman that was your typicl slick salesman, but he wasn't too
overly slick. got us a great deal. got the couch and a coffee
table with matching ottomans that fit under the table.
the table was not in the showroom and we only saw it in the catalog.
guy assured us that if it didn't work out he would let us make an
exchange. left that store on cloud nine. was ready to buy our
bedroom AND dining set there.

couch arrived at the
estimated time (2 weeks ) but we were informed our table would be
another 2 weeks. problem. 1/2 wks go by and we finally get our
table. turned out to be too big. matter how we rearranged our
couch the table couldn't fit. immediately called the store about
the situation and right away the woman we spoke with refused to give us
an exchange. decided to go down to the store and discuss the
situation. our "guy" happened to be there and remembered us.
helped us pick out another table (ugh, through the catalog) but we
checked the dimensions before agreeing! were told 2 weeks, again
and all we needed to do was "help his guys" that will deliver the new

so here we are waiting another 2 weeks. a total
of 1 1/2 months now. weeks almost go by and no phone call so we
decide to call them. out they forgot to put the order in!
tell us it'll be there that following Wed. and we'll need to bring the
other table back. absolutely refused. wasn't about to risk
damaging the other table! protested and pointed out that we were
promised delivery of the new table. claim that they're not
supposed to do that (then why are your employees telling us this?") so
we would be charged $45 for delivery. whatever.

week and a half go by and we don't hear from them. finally call
them and it turns out the table was out of stock. for telling
us! we had to come in the next day and look for ANOTHER table.
this time almost 2 months have gone by and I'm absolutely pissed.
talk with who I assume is management since our "guy" was conveniently
on vacation. pick out another table and after ANOTHER 2 weeks we
got our table.

So, if you got lost in all this talk here is
my evaluation of Home Life Furnishings on Stevens Creek Blvd. near
Valley Fair Mall:

1. employees are inconsistent with policies.

2. Their employees will say ANYTHING to make a sale and cross their fingers that nothing goes wrong.

3. They are NOT on top of things. do I have to be the one always calling to find out what's going on?

4. is a ghetto-a@@ furniture store.

had reservations about buying from that store since I don't always
like to buy from "asian-owned" stores. asian and I know that
things can be a bit shady sometimes. am NEVER going back to this
store again. the first month of waiting I vowed to make sure
that everyone I can reach hears about this place and be forewarned.
take my experience and watchout.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Whose the parent here?

Parent: Sorry my child wasn't in school yesterday. She just couldn't get it together.

Teacher: She couldn't what?

Parent: Get it together. She just kept moping around and didn't want to get ready.

Teacher: Oh, ok. Thanks. (Translation: What the f@$#?!?! Whose the parent here? You or her? Grow some balls woman!)