Wednesday, May 09, 2007

A letter to a stranger

Dear Mr. Allen Wu,

In response to your comment on one of my recent blogs....step off. In case you don't know what a blog is, it is a personal online journal/diary. A diary is defined as a writer's experiences, observations, feelings, attitudes, etc. Typical diaries are private but some are not as private. Regardless of the diary entry's venue, it is still the writer's personal thoughts, which may include times of joy, pain, and anger.

So, if in my daily rant or vent I end up misspelling a word or if my writing contains grammatical errors who gives a shit. I don't plan to submit this to a newspaper or to a university. Why does it matter to YOU if it's "whose" or "who's." Has it ever occurred to you that when a person is angry or annoyed he/she may not pay as much attention to details in their writing? He/she is just using the diary to lay it all out as a way to keep from blowing up on others.

What's even MORE annoying is that you don't even know me. If you want to "school" people do it with people you know. But then again, your comment could be evidence that you're a cowardly fool who only bugs people he doesn't know so he could hide behind his computer and stay somewhat anonymous. So the next time you decide to be a smart-ass be a REAL MAN and do it to your friends and family and not strangers who can't say to your face to STEP OFF!


At 9:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go, girl!!!


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