Sunday, May 08, 2005

"Death" of a friend

I feel like I've lost a friend. This person didn't die or move away. In fact, they are very close to me in proximity. Many events have occurred in this person's life this past year and as a result this person seems to have chosen one of their other friends to put all their focus on so they do not focus on the negative events that they have experienced. As a result, I have been left out of this person's life considerably. It has gotten to the point now where I get a negative reaction when I see their friend's car. I feel like I don't know this person anymore. As though they are just another person in this world. It pains me to feel this way, as though this person has decided that in their journey towards healing they have not felt like I could be one of the friends they hold onto. This jealousy I feel towards the other friend is horrible. It truly feels like my friend is dead to me and I can never get them back and I don't know how to tell them this.......


At 6:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Trying out this Add a comment thing. I read your blog faithfully and have often wanted to try the comment part!) I understand feelings of jealousy. Though often "irrational" they're normal. It's hard to share someone dear to our hearts. Though it's rationally true that there is room in our hearts for many to be dear to us, it's normal to want that person's affection to yourself and to feel like that's hard to share. Beneath those feelings it just means you really care. :) J


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