Friday, April 01, 2005

Spring Break coming to an end.....

I'm so Spring Break is winding down.....WAAAAAAAA!!!!! I enjoyed being able to sleep in with Ray and knowing I didn't have to do anything if I didn't want to. *sigh* Next break is Memorial Day in May and then school ends June 16th. That seems like a loooooong way to go!

Went to Jon and Lorraine's to hang out. Their regular babysitter is on vacation so I offered to help out a bit and hang out. Got there around 11:15 since Lorraine had to take Colin to the doctor. Hung out with Jon and baby Charlize. She's soooooo cute! She has the cutest smile and laugh! Lorraine didn't get back until almost noon. Since Colin's sick she dropped him off at Lorraine's parents in Saratoga so they could disinfect the house. I took Charlize on a walk while they vacuumed and "Lysol-ed" everything. We went to the shopping plaza nearby and checked out Ross and got a smoothie. We came back 45 minutes later and they still weren't done! They finally finished around 2. I went with Lorraine and Charlize to pick up Colin. We had a good conversation. Left at 3:30 and went to my monthly stamping workshop with Jen and Lucille. Made some cute cards.

Went to a hip-hop class at my gym with Ray, Shirley, and Xuanthao. It was sooo packed in there! I had fun though. At first it was a little intimidating because I'm so not hip-hop but I found it to be very much like Van Nghe (my old church dance group) I wouldn't say that I ended up doing the moves like a pro but I was able to do the moves! It was quite interesting watching people of all ages (and I mean ALL ages!) do these moves! It was fun though, and it looked like Ray enjoyed it too. Hmmm....will this be a regular workout for us?......Went home, had dinner, and made some cookies. They took forever to bake, I don't know why......

Friday (today):
Mary cancelled out on our lunch date, she had a last minute lunch meeting. Ended up going to the gym BY MYSELF for the very first time EVER! I was so proud of myself! I actually worked out for almost an hour! Johnny called to see if I wanted to go to lunch. Perfect timing! He had a gift card to Chili's so he took me to lunch. That was very nice of him! I had the steak skillet (medium) with mashed potatoes and steamed broccli. We shared a chocolate cake with a scoop of ice cream. Yum! We then went to Toyota to get a new car key and alarm button. I lost my original almost 2 months ago and still haven't found it so I sucked it up and spent $250 to get it replaced. Don't ask me why I sucked it up and got it instead of just dealing with manually opening my door and trunk.....Later tonight, probably going to Dave 'n Buster's with my Handsome.


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