Monday, June 06, 2005

Ding Dong, the weekend's over

Countdown: 8 more days until school's out!! One more month until our Europe trip!!!!!!!

Friday night was spent shopping at Costco (mmmm....Costco food samples.....), making caramel apples (thanks Johnny!), and putting together the baby shower favors and prizes.

From 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. I was baby shower mania. The theme was, "Once Upon a Time," so we had a red carpet leading to the "throne" with a sceptre and tiara. There were fairytale books as decor along with the theme's name as a sign. We had lots of good food, which not many people ate, I don't know why! Great Summer Berry Sangria. It's oh so good! Good cake thanks to J's mom, and caramel apples as the favor (you know, Snow White, get it?) Played the typical shower games, opened gifts, blah, blah, blah.

I was sooooo glad it was finally over. These past few months was the first time I ever planned parties for other people and it made me realize that the next time someone asks me to plan someone's party I'm charging them a fee. That way, I don't give a shit how many times they change their mind or whatever because it's their party and they're paying ME to do it however they want. Too much drama for even MY mama!

Worked on report cards while Ray detailed his motorcycle and car, went on some errands, went to my cousin Billy's graduation and his sister, Phuong's, birthday. Took Ray along. He got to meet more of my cousins. They had a pinata the shape of a tire with spinning rims! My cousins made it. Pretty cool. Rented "The Grudge." Hadn't seen a horror flick in a loooong time so I was in the mood for it although I was totally freaked out. I couldn't go to sleep for a while because I kept thinking about it! But, I'm glad we rented it. I guess I needed that adrenaline rush.


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