Sunday, December 04, 2005

Matrix-style Holiday party

Friday the 2nd was Ray's work party. The theme was the movie, "The Matrix," but we chose not to dress accordingly. I finally wore this cute black dress I got with Shirley last Dec. when we were shopping for a New Year's Eve dress. I am happy to say that I still fit it! The party was held at the SJ Art Museum. We each got these cool sunglasses to go with the theme and they played the movie on one of the walls. Since the venue was an art museum, the food couldn't be in the actual galleries so it was seriously like holiday shopping trying to get to the food. It was so frickin' crowded. They had a room with casino tables and each one of us got "$500" to spend. One room had a chocolate fondue fountain. It was so cool putting the strawberries through the flowing chocolate and soooo good! By 10ish my feet were killing me. I knew I shouldn't have worn those shoes but they looked so much better with the dress than my other shoe! We went home at 10:30.


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