Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Parents, ugh!

Not my parents, my students' parents!

It's Parent-Teacher Conference time. I spend two weeks trying to schedule parents to come in this week and I give them many chances to change the schedule if it didn't work for them. So it irks me when someone replies back that the date and time worked for them and then they don't show up. So I send home a note the next day and schedule them to come in the following day. The day of I confirm with the student that their parent is coming and yet the parent still does not show up. Do they think I enjoy sitting there? Do they think I like feeling like a prisoner in my classroom because I fear that if I leave to go to the bathroom they might show up. I wish parents would set a better example for their children and honor their appointments!


At 10:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh how i know the feeling... *sigh*
i'm fortunate this year that all my appointments showed with the exception of 3 that had to reschedule, and made their 2nd appointments. good luck!


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