Friday, November 18, 2005

One step closer....... our dream house!!!!!!!! Now, I know I've been calling it my dream house and technically it's not my "dream house." More like my dream house within a certain budget, but man is it nice! We just saw that the price went down so we're super excited. We're gonna go see it tomorrow with Tuan and make a final decision. Everything's been approved and ready to go!

It's a very surreal feeling talking to Ray about this. I never imagined something like this ever happening. You kinda get stuck in this mindset of just being a kid and not really moving forward with buying a home or getting married, and now here I am on the cusp of those two major things! It's quite exciting, scary, and sad at the same time. Exciting because it's a new chapter in my life with Ray. Scary because who knows what's ahead. And sad because I'll be leaving Shirley. I haven't quite fully felt the effects of what it will be like without having Shirley around. Lucille put it quite nicely with a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. reference. It's like when Monica and Chandler decided to move in and they had to break the news to Rachel that she had to move out. More effort is definitely going to have to happen so our friendship remains strong despite this change. *sigh* Sometimes I hate change, but I guess it's for the best!


At 6:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sad. sniff. mh. but the house sounds great! when is the house warming? :)


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