Monday, November 07, 2005

Trang's evening of NOT fun.....

It's funny to say but I had a shitty hour and a half just now. I had a staff mtg. today (which wasn't the shitty part) and afterwards Marie and I talked a bit in my car. Apparently we have similar concerns over certain things so I was glad to talk to her and feel like someone's going through the same thing as I am. (1st shitty thing) I left for home at 5:30 and I was suppose to meet with Shirley to go to Hometown Buffet with her class so I was going to call and say I was running late. My phone died. (2nd shitty thing). So I just decided to get there as soon as possible, but of course there was traffic + an accident. (3rd shitty thing.) I didn't get home 'til 6:15 and of course Shirley was already gone. I had to put some food in the fridge so I rushed out of my car to do that and I tripped over some metal frames. Because of that I cut the bottom of my foot really bad so I went to bandage it up and figured I'd just limp around Hometown. That was until I put pressure on that spot and it hurt like hell and I knew I wouldn't survive. (4th shitty thing.) So once my phone had some juice in it I called Shirley to explain. Ray's here and he re-bandaged my foot since it was at such an awkward angle I didn't do a good job of cleaning and such.


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