Sunday, September 25, 2005

Goodbye to the Lim's

This weekend was the last weekend that Ray's parents were going to be in town. I don't think I've ever spent this much time with another's family in this short of a time! Yesterday (Saturday) we were supposed to go to a picnic hosted by his parent's high school group but his mom wasn't feeling well so we didn't head up to SF 'til the afternoon. We just ended up vegging at my house, which we haven't been able to do that much these past few weeks. We got to SF around 3:30 and was there 'til 10:30 p.m. We ended up going to church with his parents. Ray wasn't too thrilled about that! That night was also Ray's high school reunion in Modesto. I felt bad that he had to miss it, but obviously his family (especially his parents) take priority. I had fun last night. The time there was mainly spent making dinner. We had fresh lumpia (very diff. from fried lumpia), polobok (did I spell that right?) and chicken adobo (yum!) At one point, Ray's mom was talking and she had a bit of lumpia filling on her finger and when she was waving her hand around while talking the filling landed on Ray's lips. I swear it took me a long time to stop laughing. My stomach hurt so bad and I was practically in tears! It was soooo funny! We ended dinner with turong (spelling?) and smoothies. Turong is soooo good. It's basically plaintain and jackfruit wrapped in a lumpia/egg roll wrapper and fried. Normally you would put caramelized sugar on it, but his dad's diabetic so we ate it the healthy style. It was still very good and so easy to make! I think I'll make some myself but drizzle some sugar on it!


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