Thursday, December 07, 2006

Stop the bitching

I'm sorry but don't bitch to me about how your spanish-speaking parents don't understand the things you send home (in English) when you refuse to translate it. Don't bitch to me about it and use multiple excuses for why you refuse to translate it.

Excuse #1: The internet translation isn't completely accurate
Excuse #2: Supposedly the law is everything is suppose to be in English
Excuse #3: They need to find someone to translate English into Spanish if they can't read it
Excuse #4: It's discriminatory towards the other parents who speak another language

Even though you admit that those other parents have resources that can translate for them, but obviously the spanish-speaking parents don't have those resources and yet you're still not willing to help them out.

The reality is that things aren't going to change overnight. These parents will not or may never improve their English by the end of this school year. Accept that reality and try to accommodate unless you want slow results.


At 8:52 PM , Blogger jujub said...

re: excuse #1 - something is better than nothing. clearly your coworker is all about nothing.
re: excuse #2 - sometimes you have to look beyond the law for answers of the heart. clearly your coworker doesn't think outside the box
re: excuse #3 - yeah. they need YOU to translate it to spanish. clearly your coworker isn't much about giving or extending.
re: excuse #4 - ok... spanish speaking parents may need step it up cuz it's true... my asian kids really don't seem to have as severe of problems.... *sigh*

At 9:21 PM , Blogger dragonchica said...

Thank you very much! It's so annoying hearing all that bitching from a veteran teacher.

My response to Excuse #4 was that the reality is that asian parents tend to seek out opportunities to learn the language and/or to strongly encourage their children to learn the language than spanish-speakers. And since we live in reality I have to accept that and do what I can.


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