Saturday, March 10, 2007

Running around, running around......

....thoughts keep running around in my head. Every quiet moment I have I'm constantly thinking about the wedding. And while I'm thinking about a certain detail I start to think about another and another and another. Next thing I know I have the internet, Word, Excel, and my wedding book all in front of me and now I have to try and remember what I was thinking about! Argh!

I had decided to do a bit of gardening today. I got sick and tired of the wildflowers that were wildly (go figure!) growing in the front so I hesitantly pulled them all out. I have pain that I caused them pain. And I began planting lilum, gladiolas, and many other pretty flowers. This long, arduous activity helped keep my mind away from wedding-related stress. Who knew that I would find gardening somewhat enjoyable. Considering the fact that I've never thought much about gardening and always boasted about having a black thumb! Well.....get back to me on the black thumb comment in a month or two and we'll see!


At 12:23 AM , Blogger Charles said...

I see your story as analogous to cleaning when one is stressed. The theory goes that you have control over a task, like cleaning or gardening; and a sense of relief because it's something you can finish or have a sense of accomplishment. I don't garden, but I do clean (on occasion).

At 10:14 AM , Blogger dragonchica said...

So does that mean if I continue to use gardening as something that I can fully control will I become Bree Van de Camp-Hodge?


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