Saturday, July 29, 2006

SOS with water

This past week was Science of Sports (SOS). At first I wasn't looking forward to it only because we just went through a heat wave the weekend before and I'm not very athletic so the thought of walking around and playing sports in the heat was not very appealing. Thank God for the heat wave and the preparation for the Grand Prix because that lessened our time outside until the weather got better. Wednesday was water play day. Let's just say there were a lot of water balloons (as in 200!), water fountains, and feeling completely soaked for the whole day!

Another highlight of waterplay day was being a star. As we were playing in the fountain some ppl from the new network CW were there to film local commercials and they asked if they could film us. Then they had Ben and I say a few words. So, if they actually air us it'll start next Wed.!!!! Superstar!


At 10:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, cool! Let us all know if they air it, so we can keep watch! Will you get any $$ if they air it? If not, it's still cool to be on TV!

At 2:10 PM , Blogger dragonchica said...

Yeah, totally! I hope they don't cut me out! I won't get paid but it'll be fun to see myself on TV!


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