Monday, August 08, 2005

Interesting weekend....


The weekend started out with Ray and I heading up to SF for the Aloha Festival. We also realized that Brady's 4th birthday was the same day so we had to coordinate everything really well! We left for SF around 10 and got totally lost for an hour looking for the festival. It got to the point where we were going to stop at any festival we found! There was a lot of miscommunication between the two of us but overall we still had fun, despite all the stress! There was a point where we were on a hilly street going down but had to stop and the force of gravity pushed me onto Ray (we were on his bike) and it was so hard to push myself back on my seat! After the 3rd time of that happening we couldn't help but laugh!

We finally reached the festival and hung out for a couple hours. Ate some ok hawaiian food, did some shopping ("Pinoys dig me" shirts are cool), and listened to some music. We headed to the bday party at 2 p.m. Got to SeaBreeze Park around 3ish. It was already starting to wind down by the time we got there (it started at noon.) The usual suspects were there + babies. Ray and I were the only unmarried childless couple there. It was kinda weird but I'm getting use to it. It was cool hanging out with the kids. Liz, Chak, and Matthew made it out of the fog to join us so that was nice. We left the party at 6 (I guess it wasn't winding down so much!) and watched "Meet the Parents" in the backyard with Johnny's cool projector.


Hung out with the family while Ray went crazy at California Extreme playing old video games. Johnny had some bad news. Met up with Ray at 6:45 and we headed over to Johnny's to bring dinner and keep him company. went home around 9ish.


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