Thursday, March 03, 2005


So it's been seriously a loooong time since I've written in any type of journal (web or paper) so I'm feeling at a lost as to where to begin. It's sort of like running into a friend you haven't seen in years and you wonder, "Where do I begin? Do I start with life 2 years ago? 1 year ago? 3 months ago? For the love of God!!!" So yeah, where does one begin a blog/journal if they have in the past written in a journal?
I didn't even realize that Friendster started a blog-thing. It's funny to watch as new ideas start forming and sooner or later other places rip off the idea. Eh, well, I don't really care. Anyways, I guess I can give you a synopsis of my life as it is this past year in so many words........
For those who have known me for a while and have kept in current contact with me know that my 3 year relationship with MG is over. Technically it has been over a little over a year ago but in actuality it was over for ME 1 1/2 years ago. I know that sounds like a long time between when I felt like the relationship was over and when it actually ended but I can only give you one word: optimism. I always feel optimistic that things will get better, that he will change, that I will change, that the world will change, but ladies and gentlemen.....IT DOES NOT CHANGE!! In the last 1 1/2 years of the relationship I began to really question my truly feelings and why I was in this relationship. I realized that we did not bring out the best in each other (which my close friends and roommates know all too well. Sorry guys!), we have too many different views about life in general, and I just did not, could not respect him as a person. Don't get me wrong. M is a sweet and wonderful person with a heart of gold, but that can only go so far in a relationship. Sorry ladies, love does not always conquer all. After you spend years watching as your life moved forward as you were achieving what you wanted to acheive and then you watch the person whom you committed to in a relationship basically sit in one spot and watch as the world goes by it gets a bit trying. It also becomes frustrating when they put up the front that they want to better themselves and move forward in life but they do nothing about it. It makes one feel that they were just saying a bunch of bullshit to avoid yet another argument. Aside from that issue, other differences that could not necessarily be changed were things I could not live with and so I finally realized that maybe I shouldn't settle and I should be more active in who I choose to be with because honestly, I was NOT that active when choosing him as a boyfriend. I have learned my lesson.
Besides that wonderful drama as it unfolded I also lost my teaching job in Milpitas. Fortunately, after spending a summer frantically looking for a job I finally secured a Kindergarten position in San Leandro 2 weeks into the school year. Although the first few months were very stressful since I went from teaching 4th grade to Kinder I have found that Kinder is the grade for me. I absolutely love it! Despite the fact that I have to drive 30 min. to work every day I love kids, the staff, and especially my principal! She is an absolutely wonderful principal, but then again any principal would be better than my last one! What an asshole he was! He was very unsupportive, a total brown-noser to the district, had a serious Napolean complex, and had no clue how to interact with human beings. My new principal is the exact POLAR opposite and I thank God for bringing this job to me!
What I would also like to thank God and yahoo personals is for bringing me the love of my life, Raymond Lim. He is absolutely phenomenal. He is everything that I've looked for in a man and so much more! If my new principal is the total opposite of my old principal, Ray is the same! I completely respect him and am completely attracted to him in every way. I find myself constantly thinking about him (even 7 months later!) and counting the minutes until I see him. I long to see his face, to feel his arms around me, and to hear his silly jokes! I had spent the last 10 years dating the wrong guys, but because of that I was able to see all the good that Ray has and that I long for. Thanks to the past I was able to finally know what I really wanted in a man and he is the whole package. I could seriously go on gushing about him but then you'll probably vomit. So, in so many words, this is my first blog. I hope you enjoyed it, otherwise, get the hell outta here!


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